Tag: Whale

Mystery Artist 31 – W.E.S.

Mystery Artist 31 – W.E.S.

Carvings in ivory and bone are also considered scrimshaw, and these are a perfect example. Mark W. in Florida writes:

“I have attached three photos of a tie clasp and cuff-link set with the signiture W.E.S. or perhaps W.E. Sr..   Would appreciate help is identifying who it is.  Thanks.   Mark W”

These are beautiful pieces, the whale cuff links took patience to carve so small as well as a steady hand to attach them with those tiny screws.  Anyone know a scrimshaw artist with the initials W.E.S. that may have carved these or any information? We’d love to know.  Add your comments to the section below, Mark and I will be happy to know more about them.

Back of a carved ivory cuff link with the initials WES - Mystery Artist 31 The back of the other carved ivory cufflink with the initials W.E.S. Carved Whale Tie Clasp Mystery Artist 31 facing down

The Value of Scrimshaw

The Value of Scrimshaw

Color scrimshaw on whale's tooth "A Sailor's Life for Me""A Sailor's Life for Me" scrimshaw on whale's toothI’ve received a question regarding the value of a piece of scrimshaw done in the 20th century on a whale’s tooth, and I really don’t know the answer. I do scrimshaw, though I don’t collect it. A reader has a beautiful piece by P. Hayde, I believe, and wants to know how to figure its value so they may insure it. If there is a collector who could help them and similar collectors out with either a link or some good guidelines, I’ll be happy to post the information here, with or without your email as you see fit. It would be greatly appreciated.
Leave a reply in the box below to help your fellow collectors.

Thank you in advance,

Andrew Perkins